
Vegetarian diet

What is the vegetarian diet?

This diet gives a predominant place to plants and is divided into multiple categories. To name a few:

  • Vegan: Consumes only foods from plant sources and therefore, without: egg, fish, dairy products and honey.
  • Flexitarian: A diet that is composed of plant and animal foods.
  • Ovo-lacto vegetarian: Vegetarian diet including: eggs and dairy products and if there is the presence of fish and seafood, it is called pesco-vegetarian.
  • Crudivorism: This is a vegetarian diet in which approximately 75% of the food is consumed raw.
  • LPPF alias low processed plant food: It is a diet whose food contains as little processed food as possible and which is low in: added sugar/salt/fat. (Whole food and Plant base)


Why make an appointment?

Are you already a vegetarian? A nutritionist can help you validate if your diet is balanced and without dietary deficiencies. It is important to validate your intake of: proteins, vitamin B 12 or D, calcium, iron, iodine, choline… Prevention is better than cure. Depending on your expectations, you can obtain recipe suggestions or vary your diet.

You want to become or integrate more vegetarian dishes for yourself or your family: at your own pace and in a balanced way, your nutritionist will guide you in discovering and integrating vegetarian food into your menu (tofu, seitan, legumes, tempeh, etc.), in a tasty way that respects your food preferences and your cooking skills

Do you have questions or are you just curious? It’s time to meet with a nutritionist. She will be happy to answer your questions and suggest recipes or new foods to add to your menu according to your food preferences and your lifestyle.


Examples of reasons behind a consultation:

  • Anemia
  • Fear of dietary deficiency: B complex (including B12), iron, calcium, omega 3….
  • Flexitarianism
  • Adding vegan foods to your diet (tofu, legumes, tempeh, seitan, PVT, quinoa…)
  • Reduce your grocery bill
  • Improve your cholesterol level by consuming more dietary fibre and plant proteins
Alimentation végétarienne

At Hexa Physio, all our therapists are trained to help you achieve your goals.

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