
What is Kinesiology?

What is Kinesiology?

The kinesiologist is the specialist in human movement, who uses physical and motor activity for prevention, treatment and performance. The kinesiologist is a health professional that can intervene as a preventive measure with healthy people, to help them in their activation and fitness process or to help them improve their performance. He can also work with individuals who’s movement dynamics are dysfunctional, in order to help them improve their condition through the practice of adapted physical activities. Finally, he or she can work in the field of rehabilitation and collaborate with health care teams with people in rehabilitation situations (physical, functional, cardiovascular, mental, etc.).


The services of the kinesiologist can therefore be addressed to a wide range of clients.

Why consult a Kinesiologist?

The kinesiologist is the professional by excellence to guide you towards the achievement of your physical health objectives. He or she will provide you with personalized guidance based on an evaluation of your objectives, your history and your physical condition. The kinesiologist provides tools such as a training program and education on healthy lifestyle

The kinesiologist provides tools such as a training program and education on healthy lifestyle habits in order to increase your physical and mental potential. As well, he collaborates with other professionals in the medical network to ensure respect for your history and condition in order to manage physical activity through injuries and associated conditions in an appropriate manner.

How does the Kinesiology service work?

  • The kinesiologist must first evaluate you. During the initial meeting, he/she will make sure to understand your profile:


    • Your goals
    • Your source of motivation
    • Your lifestyle habits (diet, sleep, stress management)
    • Your history of physical activity
    • Your injury history
    • Your current injuries, if any
    • The space and equipment you have to move
    • The amount of time you have available for physical activity
    • Your medication intake

    Afterwards, he or she should conduct an assessment of your physical condition:


    • Your ability to move
    • Your muscular strength and endurance
    • Your flexibility
    • Your joint mobility
    • Your balance
    • Your cardiovascular capacity
    • Sensitive or uncomfortable positions in the context of pain


    At the end of the session, the kinesiologist will explain what they saw during the assessment and how they can help you. Whether it is through private or semi-private coaching or through training programs, our team will ensure a personalized intervention plan according to your condition and your needs.

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